didn't go for countdown
because in was so tired after camp
nothing special , just stayed at home as usual
but that night , i went for a dinner with wei see
haha~ that's FUN~!!
she treated me for the dinner
because she owed me my birthday celebration
thank you wei see=)
love u much much~
i received a x'mas present
thanks to her very much
i had a present to give someone too
but... i couldn't~
i prepared it but it couldn't being presented out anymore
Friday, December 31, 2010
Posted by jee.gigi at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
amc st john annual training camp 2010
Posted by jee.gigi at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
SPM 2010 over!!
bye everyone n everything in amc!!
Posted by jee.gigi at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
u BETRAYED me!!!
i got a frightening news which i could hardly believe in
your kampar friend told me that u did confess to a girl two months ago!!!
it was during the period of time that u were still be with me
that was the girl that i suspected u like her
who knows... my 6th sense was really accurate
why was i so stupid n believe your explanation again n again??
n i still advised myself to believe u , i was just too sensitive
no matter how much i suspected u
i had never expected that u went to confess to her!!
luckily , she rejected.. i m proud of this girl
i admit that i did really dislike her before as i suspected both of you
but now , no more.. the 1 i hate is YOU!!
gosh~ i cried immediately when i read what your friend sent me
i couldn't accept that my boyfriend did such thing when he was together with me
but after a while , i stopped crying
y should i cry for u?? u don't deserve my tears at all
as everyone knows , i HATE being cheated by anyone
u r even more serious , because u cheat my LOVE to u
i swear to myself n to my friend as well
i,LNJ will NOT drop any tear for YOU anymore , OOI WAI LOON!!
i will NOT affected by u anymore because u have no position in my heart NOW!
we are still friend , but i will NOT believe with whatever u say
however , there are still a lot of question marks in my mind
since it happened two months ago~ in this two months...
did u love me in this two months??
u were the 1 requested to celebrate my birthday , was that your wish??
u were the 1 calling me to support me the night before SPM , anybody force u?
u were the 1 dated me to the library , was that come from your heart?
u were the 1 who hold my hand tightly n said u miss me much after didn't see me for a month , was that true?
u were the 1 enjoyed my fried rice , did u really like it?
u were the 1 kiss me in the lift of the library , what was it meant??
u were the 1 wanna bring me to your parents , what was that proved?
u were the 1 discussed about our life in college life next year , did u really hope that?
the picture u snapped with me , the theme that u wanna same with me , etc..
all of these were just acting or what?? i really don't know
i could not get answer for ALL these questions
because... i did really feel you were not lying
but... the fact was like that.. gosh~!!
it was so so so UNBELIEVABLE~!!!!!!!!!!
why the LOYAL ooi wai loon would change until like that?
sigh~ if u told me the truth when i asked u that day , i could still forgive you
but now , NO!! because u lied me again n again , unforgivable~
i don't know what will i do if i meet u next time~
Posted by jee.gigi at 7:25 AM 0 comments
what happen to my health??
something weird happened on my body today too
Posted by jee.gigi at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2010
i miss you
once again , i slept until very late
because i just fell asleep at 4something in the morning
i couldn't sleep , really couldn't sleep
once i close my eyes , i saw your image
i saw every moment that we had gone through
it was just like a movie , flash back in my mind
gosh~ whenever i think about it , my heart felt very pain
i blamed myself for not appreciating every moment that together with u
there are still many things that we haven't do
we haven't go to west lake
haven't cook together
haven't go for a trip together
we haven't go cycling together , etc
i look at the Christmas card that i made for u
look at our picture , i miss the moment on 17 Oct
i do really happy that day , i love my smile
it was my hearty smile
i didn't remove it as my profile picture
i didn't remove my relationship request too
i just waited u to do so
i online every moment , just hope to see u not removing it
i hope we still got turning point
but... i saw u removed it at night
my heart was really very pain that time
but i smiled when saw it
u were not like last time anymore
u did really put down me , put down our love
maybe... u deserve a better one , i m not a good girlfriend at all
i see everything that we bought together
but... i couldn't find our ring
i cried , i felt very nervous
luckily , i found it
if not... i don't know how will i be
i do really will be mad~
look at the ring , i remember the moment u help me to put it on
'forever love' ~ the word on the ring
but y our love can't last forever? sigh~
u text me in the midnight
u can't sleep also right?
y u made this decision , but u couldn't sleep also?
what r u thinking?? can u please tell me?
*i hope i can help u to solve your problem*
Posted by jee.gigi at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
unhappy , i was really unhappy today
being fooled by someone
i was really very angry n disappointed with it
i thought to get support from you
who knows... the unluckiest of mine had not reached yet
u were weird , but i thought just as usual who knows...
u told me that actually u still thought that u made decision too fast
u meant on 20th of June , u asked for restart for too fast
so... in this half year , u were not comfort too , right?
sigh... sorry for wasted u half a year time
maybe... u will b happier without me
that's y , i respected your decision
but... i thought just gave u time to calm
who knows... what u said showed me that u really gave up
haix~ we really can't get 3rd chance anymore?
i know... that's my fault~
i was the 1 who hurt u 1st
how much do i hope that i can return to 14th february
haix~ i couldn't sleep every night
last time , i like to stay alone at home because it is silence
but now... i dare not to stay alone at home anymore
i felt scare , really very scare~~
once i m alone , i will cry
that's not what i hope , but it drop automatically
last time , i just cried for 1 night
y will i become so weak n cry everyday now?
i hate myself when i m crying
because i will very miss u when i m crying
i hate myself to be like that
i got the feeling wanna text u , but i don't dare
i hope to hear that u got any reason for leaving me
i hope to know what r u thinking
if u wanna tell me that u don't love me at all
i won't believe at all
your actions in this 6 months proved that u do really love me
but i want to tell u that
not as what u think- i'll b happier without u
i really don't understand y r u so lack of confident
y do u wanna be so silly? sigh~
no matter how , thanks for giving me this 6 months
thanks for supporting me always
thanks for celebrating my birthday with me
it will be kept in my heart forever
as that's our last dating
thanks for taking care me all the time
thanks for your song
thanks for your card
thanks for everything that u give me
Posted by jee.gigi at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
SORRY~ i ddi not try my best=(
i knew my history result in SPM will disappoint many people
frankly speaking , i did serious in my revision for history
this is the first time i memorise my history
i spent all my time on it , didn't even touch any other subject
because i know i m weak in this subject
so i do need to put much much effort in it
but finally... i had lose in it
i lose to this subject
no matter u guys believe or not , i still wanna say~
i had never gave up this subject , no matter how tough it is to me
until the last moment , i didn't give up it
i was still memorising until the moment before i entered the exam hall
its just because , i had promised someone that i would try my best in this subject
i would do my best in this examinations , i don't wanna disappoint u
do u believe that i did try to do my best?
ya , compare to most of the people , i m still consider as lazy
but this is really the first time i do revision for my exam
for PMR n every exam that i have in this 13 years schooling
i had never do any revision in any exam
but SORRY , i will still disappoint u
I'M SORRY~ for my stupids
Posted by jee.gigi at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Posted by jee.gigi at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 29, 2010

Posted by jee.gigi at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
time to be away from internet!!
1 more month for me to do revision only
Frankly speaking , it is definitely not enough for me
what can I do?? Just can try my best to work s hard s I can
But firstly , I have to b away from my laptop
Will keep it into my bag n put in my room
Don’t wanna take it out for relaxing myself anymore
So FRIENDS~ I might not replying comments , messages n chat box so frequently
But I will surely reply u after NOVEMBER
I know there are many people putting high hope on me
As I always hear this sentence , no matter in class or at tuition
“Ngah Jee , u can get A+ for it , can u??”
I m so so so stress about it as there r almost every subjects’ teacher said so to me
However , I will try my best to achieve what u all aim for me
N what do I hope to get for my better future too
Posted by jee.gigi at 2:53 AM 0 comments
i m having headache recently
almost everyday it will b disturbing me
what happened to my head??
haix~ y m i so unhealthy??
just started to control my gastric
n now headache became my another problem
n... it wil just pain on my left side of my head
is it... is it pain because of my old injury??
my head was hurt seriously n bleeding before
i hope.... it is not~
should i go for a check-up again?
since it was an accident when i was 5 years old
it should b alright after so many years , right??
the pain affected me when i was studying
so please....... don't come to me again
if it does really wanna disturb me...
just disturb me after my SPM please~
Posted by jee.gigi at 2:32 AM 0 comments
dare to face it
Posted by jee.gigi at 2:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
my *2010 BIRTHDAY*

Do u know why?? Because there were many celebrations going on!!!
Every celebration were with different people
*just realized that I got so many gangs* hahaha
On 091010 , I went for a dinner with my family
Because my sister was back n 101010 was my lunar birthday
I had a very great meal that night
All were my favourite food
Salted-egg king size crabs , fish , vegetables , thai sotong , queen size lala , etc
After the dinner , I went to ebox with my siblings n gorgors jiejies
Everyone in our room was wishing me at 12am that night~
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Just returned home at 2am
On 141010 , my 5s1 gang wanna celebrate with me
Unfortunately , 3 of them were absent , left 3 of us =(
However , I got a memorable day on that day too
We went to sushi king together n ate a lot
we went to HANG TEN for shopping too
because Shirley wanna borrow my card to buy clothes
as I m the V.I.P of HANG TEN. *proud*
I got 50% discount during birthday month~
171010~~ my REAL BIRTHDAY!!
At 12am sharp , I got message from my dear..
Haha~ he was not the first one but he was the most accurate!
I was so busying replying others’ greeting messages n wall post
Just slept at 1am that night
Then gonna woke up at 9am
Just because my dear date me at 10.30am
This was the 1st time I spent my birthday alone with him
How would it be?? Owh~ I was so nervous about it
When I was dressing myself nicely
A knock on my door frightened me
“yuen si came to find u…”
Huh?? She came?? She never told me before le~
I opened my door.. she shouted me name n hug me suddenly
Waow~ I m so proud to have her as my sister
She purposely came to my house just to wish me
She was the 1st one who wished me face to face
Met up with my dear at parade
I had my breakfast with him
We went for a walk n chatted lots
Gor came to find me , gave me a present
I also didn’t realize when did he put the present on my bag
N of course , dear gave me a present too
Waow~ guess what’s it??
He gave me a card , writing the lyrics
It was a song created by himself!!
We went for a movie – THE CHILD’S EYES
I know… he doesn’t like to watch horror movie
But just because of ME , he was willing to watch it
However , the movie was not horrible at all (for me)
But those people in the cinema were kept shoutin -.-’’
After the movie , dear had to return to kampar already
Happy time passed very fast
It might be the last time I met him before SPM=(
Went to yee mun’s house
As my gang of BFFs made a steamboat party for me
Woohooo~ I got the chance to see them preparing food in the kitchen!
Anyway , I felt so happy in my heart s they did this just for ME
I enjoyed the food much much
But… were there too many for us??
I was soooo full that night
We played games , those who lose got to drink Carlsberg
This was my 2nd tim e drinking beer
Well , it recalled my memories when 1st time drinking it
It was the time to see our 2nd main character—my birthday cake
Waow~ is was so nice , THANKS TO MY MUM=)
I made a wish for my birthday
Would it come true?? I don’t know
It left 3 hours to end my birthday
I did really hope that miracle would appear
They took out their presents for me
N there’s a card with a heart which pasted by broken papers
“whenever your heart is broken , we'll always stay by your side
We were so self-loving that night , snapped more than 1000 pictures
Something frightening me happened
I was so so so happy at that moment
But the next moment , a bit disappoint
But… I don’t mind
Just could say that~~
My 2010 birthday was PERFECT because of this incident
THANK YOU *someone*
Posted by jee.gigi at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
it is still the same
Posted by jee.gigi at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
我问你~ 为什么你可以在和我一起时一直回复别人的信息
你没有回答~ 你逃避了
我不停地在劝我自己~ 再过一段时间就好
原因~ 就是你现在才得空
Posted by jee.gigi at 8:16 AM 0 comments
just keep in heart
don't know why... i don't feel like blogging recently
it is not that i don't have any feelings to express
there are a lot , but i don't feel like wanna say out
i knew there are many people sense my unhappiness
but i just kept telling that i m fine
why?? i don't know..
maybe... i don't really hope to let u all know
how if u had knew it??
there's no different too
don't u realize that i didn't care n mind for anything anymore?
whatever happened , i will just show a smiley face
r u really think that i m happy that time??
usually , i will put ;) or ^^ , but not :)
my heart is really sour , i don't wanna get hurt anymore
so i m just having a 'whatever' concept
anything happen , let it happens
anything u wanna do onto me , just go on
anything u wanna hide from me , i won't ask anymore
evrything of mine , just keep in heart
because when i need someone to share with , nobody is there for me
so... anything about me... is actually not really important anymore~
Posted by jee.gigi at 4:28 AM 0 comments
*The day that every form 5 is waiting*
Posted by jee.gigi at 4:05 AM 0 comments
trial result
Posted by jee.gigi at 3:58 AM 0 comments
don't know why...
i clicked into your profile accidentally
n i don't know why...
i viewed every pictures of yours
just to see what changes do u have?
yea~ i think soooo~~
n...... i realized something that made me felt hurt
u...... deleted all the pictures between us~
maybe u had deleted it since JUNE , just i didn't know it
how much i hope that what is happening now is just a dream
how much do i hope that u will smile to me again 1 day
how much do i wish that we can return to the previous time
but i know... that's impossible , u r hating me , right?
y do i still wanna care u??
y did i wanna call someone buy food for u when u were not going to recess??
y did i wanna worry that u would be gastric?
y did i wanna call someone to remind u to take care when u r sick??
y did i wanna call someone to tell u answer when u didn't know how to answer question?
WHY?? WHY?? WHY??!!
why can't i just put down everything like what u did~
maybe just like what u said before...
without me , u still have them..
n now , it proved... u r right...
because u r enjoying your life now , immensely~
the day before now , i was still dreaming
i did really believe that miracles will appear
i did really hope that u will wish me next Sunday
but now... i know that my birthday wish for this year will never come true
no matter how long i will b waiting for it , it is still the same~
Posted by jee.gigi at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Posted by jee.gigi at 2:12 AM 0 comments